Scribe’s Playlist — Walk By Faith

Scribe's PlaylistSince the upcoming Realm Makers conference has pushed our posting schedule for this week into an alternate dimension, the music video you would normally receive on Thursday has jumped backward in time two days.

So, with time travel and other journeys on the brain, I invite you to share my headphones for a moment…if you dare….and enjoy…

Walk By Faith

Recording Artist: Jeremy Camp

Key Lines:

Will i believe you when you say

Your hand will guide my every way?


I will walk by faith, even when I cannot see,

Because this broken road prepares you will for me.

Please keep my travel companions and me in your prayers for a safe journey as we endeavor to live out God’s call.

What are your favorite songs for road trips?

About Bridgett

fantasy novelist ~ picture book and short story author ~ freelance editor ~ writing coach

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